5 DIY Cleaning Ingredients
5 DIY Cleaning Ingredients
… that you may have in your cupboard!
Looking to make your own DIY cleaning supplies? When it comes down to it, there are 5 key players that can really help make things sparkle. 🌟⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
✨ 1. Soap Nuts - these little guys are pretty cool and have been around for centuries, but only recently became a popular laundry option in the west. They contain saponin, which creates an effect similar to soap, and are a good option for those whose who may have detergent sensitivities. Soap Nuts can also be used to make dish and hand soap, shampoo and body wash, shaving cream, and pet cleaning wash among others!
✨ 2. Lemon Juice - this is a great natural cleanser because of the high acidity of lemon juice, making it antibacterial and antiseptic. Be sure to keep it away from natural stone and brass, but other than that, lemon juice can take on cutting boards, stained tupperware, coffee/tea pots, rust, and more. It can even bleach white garments. And best of all, lemon oil is great at getting sticky labels off jars! 😁
✨ 3. Baking Soda - such a versatile ingredient! It cleans almost everything, from counters to stoves, bathtubs to toilets. It's also great at getting scuffs off the floor and deodorizing carpets. It will even help unclog a drain!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
✨ 4. White Vinegar - another multi-purpose powerhouse! Vinegar has many uses all over the home from getting rid of stains and grease to removing odours, mould and mildew. You can use regular or cleaning vinegar, which has a higher acidity and is a bit better at cleaning. But both work well! Many shy away because of the smell, but it dissipates pretty quick. You can always add some essential oils or citrus peels to make it smell better. 🍋🍊😁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
✨ 5. Salt - our final multi-use ingredient on the list. Salt can get wine, sweat and blood stains out of clothes, remove water rings, stop clothes from freezing on the outdoor clothesline in the winter (to name but a few!). It also mixes well with other ingredients, such as vinegar, to boost cleaning and deodorizing action. 💪⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀