Easy Planet-Friendly Switches
Easy Planet-Friendly Switches
6 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Footprint in the New Year
Looking to start the year off with some changes to your routine that help reduce your footprint on the earth? We've got a list of super-easy switches to get you started!
1. Refill Your Cleaning Supplies: Canada produces about 4.6 million metric tonnes of plastic each year, with only about 9% being recycled. One of the easiest ways to help reduce this is by refilling your cleaning supplies, whether it’s laundry, dish, toilet, all-purpose cleaner, or hand soap. It's so easy. Just bring in your old container (clean & empty), and fill 'er up!
2. Bring Reusable Containers: Of course, we all know the detrimental impact of water bottles, so bringing a refillable one is just common sense. But did you know fast food chains make the top 5 list of garbage contributors during beach cleanups every year in Canada? To-go options from restaurants add to this waste. Canadians use millions of plastic forks, knives, and spoons, in addition to containers. These single use plastics, which are usually only used for half an hour, are creating a lot of waste, and a lot of harm for marine life. One option is to pack a lunch, but another option is to ask eateries if you can bring your own container, whether it's for food or special beverages. There was headway made with this pre-pandemic, but many places are ready again. Give it a go!
3. Opt Out Of Junk Mail: We often think of junk mail as just an inconvenience. We see it, and dump it straight into recycling. But not only does it create more recycling to be dealt with, in order to produce junk mail in Canada, millions of oxygen-producing, carbon-absorbing trees each year are cut down. The simple solution? Put a note on your mailbox stating that you do not wish to receive Canada Post Neighbourhood Mail™.
4. Shop Local: This one is more important now than ever. Not only are you supporting local farmers and families, which in turn supports your community, you are also contributing to the reduction of urban sprawl, habitat loss, and pollution. (Especially if you feel like walking or taking your bike!)
5. Refill Your Hair, Skin, & Beauty Supplies: Every year, over 120 billion units of cosmetic packaging alone are produced globally. This packaging is made from fossil fuels, and creates products that - for the most part - are not recyclable. Refillable products are a great way to minimize this waste, and several makeup companies are moving in this direction. Another option is to look for glass and/or bamboo packaging, which can be either recycled or composted. 6. Use the 6 R's: Refuse, Reduce, Re-use/Repurpose, Repair & Mend, Recycle, Rot: Many people know "reduce, re-use, and recycle". We feel "refuse" and "rot" are super important. The first step towards eliminating waste is to "refuse". Only take what you need and say no to the rest. "Rot" is another important step, as composting keeps so much out of the landfills, which will greatly reduce methane emissions. And it creates beautiful soil!
Hope that helps get you starting the year off in a good direction. And remember, almost none of us do it all at once, and most of us falter at some point. Small, consistent, doable steps are the best way to make lifelong changes!