Clearing Out the Clutter
Clearing Out Clutter
5 Steps to Get Your Home & Mind Feeling Calmer
As the sun begins to shine brighter and longer, shedding light on some forgotten areas of our house, we can start to feel the need to clear out some of the clutter. Decluttering not only clears up your house, it also clears your mind, and opens up more time to do the things you want to do!
Here are our tips:
1. Choose ONE category. Maybe it's the one that you spend the most time tidying (books, kids' clothes/toys, shoes, jackets, office supplies, food containers).
2. Gather ALL like items from your house together in one area.
3. Set the number of items you will keep before you 'shop' the compiled items... and do your best to stick to it!
3. Shop from that pile and only choose what you actually use or love. No keeping it to use at a later date... or "just in case"... or "I might fit it one day"... (We've been there!)
4. Put the rest in either a donate or sell box. Remove the box(es) immediately, and put in your car, garage, etc., so you won't be tempted to go shopping again. (We've been there too!)
5. Lastly, find the perfect home for the remaining items you chose to keep. Bonus: If you make them pretty in the space, you will feel much better about letting go of the rest!
Keep each project to just one category, so it feels manageable. You will quickly start to see the difference in your home, mind, and freed up time! 🥰