5 Ways to Dispose of Your Christmas Tree
How to Sustainably Dispose of Your Christmas Tree
So many options that keep it out of the landfill!
So, Christmas is over. What to do with our beautiful trees? Give 'em a send off that gives 'em new life AND keeps them out of the landfill!
Here are a few ideas:
1. Cover Your Garden Beds: Leftover Xmas tree branches make an excellent blanket to protect your garden beds during these colder months.
2. Yard Waste Pick-Up: An easy way to keep your tree out of the landfill and help create more compost! If you’re planning to put your tree in yard waste, make sure to cut the tree in half for easier handling.
3. Bring To Local Fire Hall For Chipping: Most local Fire Departments have a fundraising chipping event. The chipped trees create mulch/compost, and the funds raised go towards local charities. Our local events have a mere $5 donation minimum (but you can of course give as much as you like!).
4. Compost: You can naturally compost your tree simply by cutting it into smaller pieces. It might take a while to decompose, so help it along by breaking down the tree first as much as possible.
5. Use Branches as Stakes: Why not use your trees branches to create compostable stakes for your garden? Just strip them bare to create earthy frames which are great at supporting any plants that like to grow tall!
Hope you have fun deciding on which ways to sustainably dispose of or upcycle your tree this year!
Drop off your tree by donation at the following locations:
Courtenay Fire Hall, 650 Cumberland Road
Crown Isle Plaza, 444 Lerwick Road in front of Thrifty Foods
For a minimum $5 donation, at-home pickup is also available for all areas served by the Courtenay Fire Department, including fire protection districts. Please call the Courtenay Fire Hall in advance at 250-334-2513 or email fireevents@courtenay.ca. All proceeds from go to local charities and youth sport groups.
COMOX: Bring your tree to the Comox Fire Department at 1870 Noel Avenue.
For a minimum $10 donation they will pick your tree up at your home. Please call 250-339-2432 for pick-up. All proceeds go to Y.A.N.A.