Usually we start the year with a hard-core zero-waste challenge to get the year going. But this year feels different. We're all a bit worn down from all that was 2020 (wow, what a year!), and feel a nurturing approach to our wonderful intentions is the way to go.
So for the month of January, we're going to offer a weekly list of what we have discovered are some easy switches towards zero-waste. You can save this list for later, try one, or try them all! Here is our first week's list:
Planet-friendly lifestyle tips & tricks!
“Just over a year ago, my family was doing well with our plastic waste. We didn’t use plastic baggies or cling wrap, and we only bought water in bottles when we were traveling. We recycled everything that the blue bins would take, along with all the refundable cans/bottles. As far as keeping the earth clear of plastic, we were doing pretty. darn. good.”
A recap of one family’s experience trying to go plastic-free for one month.
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